Better Blog

"We create innovative solutions that enhance patient care while reducing development time"

Written by Better | October 18, 2023

“The most rewarding part of our work is when we witness the outcomes of our customers' work and how they leverage the solution to provide better care for their patients," said Benjamin Muhič.

Benjamin, or Beno as his coworkers call him, is the Better Studio lead. A promising basketball player from a young age, he later discovered his passion for writing code and assembling applications. This led him to Better, where he now leads a team of 12 people and where he spends his days implementing and upgrading the Better low-code development tool. He still enjoys a basketball game that helps him stay active, and dedicates his free time to his family. In this short interview, read what Beno has told us about his life and work.

When you were a little boy, did you know what you wanted to do when you grew up?  
Back then, I was solely focused on playing basketball and pursuing my dream of having a long-lasting career in the sport. It wasn’t until later, before entering the university, that I knew it was the world of information technology and passion for writing codes that would be my professional occupation.

You are currently the lead of the Better Studio team. What is the best advice you got about leading the team, and do you follow it? 
There are several principles that I try to follow, but if I had to choose one, it would be »lead by example«. If I show integrity, dedication, and a sense of responsibility, I can be a good example for my team and also inspire them to strive to be better.  

What does a typical day at Better look like for you?  
I usually set priorities for the next day, aiming to group similar tasks together and tackle the most important ones first. So my day starts at 7 am with doing the most important task of the day, then reading and responding to emails, attending meetings (depends on the day, but this includes 1:1 meetings with the team members, team meetings, product and project updates, ...), doing reviews, planning, and product roadmap. Where and when I can find time, I review code and write some of my own.  

Why is Better Studio the best low-code development tool in healthcare? 
Better EHR Studio combines healthcare expertise, user-friendliness, interoperability, and scalability to empower healthcare organisations to create innovative solutions that enhance patient care while reducing development time and costs. It is built on a foundation of openEHR, which means we leverage the openEHR data model to ensure that healthcare data is stored in a standardised, vendor-neutral format.    

With all the emerging trends in the digital world and the advancement of artificial intelligence, how will Better Studio evolve? 
We will enhance data analytics and machine learning capabilities. This will enable users to gain deeper insights from healthcare data, identify trends, and develop algorithms that can improve patient care, optimise operations, and support clinical decision-making.  

What kind of customers do you like to work with the most, and what has been the most challenging project for you so far?  
All customers are interesting to work with, and we aim to provide the best possible service for each one of them. The most rewarding part is when we witness the outcomes of our customers' work and how they leverage the solution to provide better care for their patients. The most challenging project so far was the shared care planning solution for London since this is a really big project with a lot of moving parts that have to work together.  

What does Better mean to you?
I believe Better embodies a profound commitment to simplifying the work of care teams and championing the idea that data should be for a lifetime of the patient. It is also a privilege for me to be part of such an amazing team and collaborate with so many incredible people.